Travel safety
- Try as much not to travel at night. Daytime I better because then there are people along the way who would assist in case of any emergency.
- Do not inform people not involved in your trip about your accommodation details.
- Inquire about safe places you can go to if it’s a local area and the unsafe that you should avoid.
- Have a photocopy of your important documents like your passport in a safe place.
- Use ATM cards during the day where there are people around.
- Use your credit cards often than carrying cash around.
- Avoid being on the wrong side of the people you meet. Keep off any areas of riots and fights.
Transport safety
- Keep your luggage close to you. If you leave it among crowds then wait for them to disperse you might find them missing because someone went with them.
- When doing money exchange, do it at a bank before arriving at the airport because thieves could be watching you at the airport.
- Use your own personal taxi and don’t agree to share with a stranger.
- Ask on the official public transport and how they look like because thieves also pose as taxi drivers.
- On driving into a new city make sure your doors and boot are locked and all windows up because carjacking is an issue in some places.
Hotel safety
- Keep your hotel door locked when leaving and when inside the room especially at night when sleeping.
- If you have a meeting with people you have never met before or people you don’t know so well don’t bring them to your room, instead meet them in a café or the hotel’s lobby. Somewhere in public.
- Make sure you know all the exits, fire escape doors and emergency plans just in case of anything that might happen.
Other safety tips are;
- Don’t make yourself a target when traveling by wearing expensive jewelry or carrying a money bag everywhere.
- Take caution for scams such as people pretending to be police officers asking to see your property, sedative drugs put in your food or drinks, so don’t take meals from a stranger.
- When walking in public and you are not sure of where you are going do not show confusion because strangers would take advantage of that. Walk like you have an idea of where you are heading.
- Keep of any animal contact. If you are visiting a wild animal site they might be carrying different kinds of diseases so be careful how get into contact with them.
- If it’s a road trip always have an emergency car kit. It should contain a backup method to charge your phone or a battery for your phone, a first aid kit, blankets, non-perishable foods, tire gauge, flashlight, spare tire and water.
- When visiting places in your destination only carry what you need most and leave the rest locked up.
- Don’t trust people you meet in your adventures. Not all are always genuine to help or hang out with.
- Try to blend in with people. See what type of attire the people in that area wear then try dress the same as well.

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