What to Know When Traveling with Your Pet
Are you going for a trip but are worried about bringing your pet along? Pet lovers want to share most meaningful things in their lives with their animal best friends, vacations included. However, the hassle of traveling with an animal makes most think twice. If you are making a trip and are torn between leaving your pet at home or bringing them along, this article is for you. Many companies in the travel industry have been make accommodations to allow pet lovers to make memories across borders. Here are a couple of things to consider when traveling with your pet:
Is it safe and reasonable to travel with your pet?
Consider how pet has reacted to other shorter trips. Do they get anxious, restless, car sick or display any other signs of distress? If, so then it is possibly not a good an idea to travel with your pet. Discuss with your veterinary officer if unsure the effect travel could have on your pet.
Do not take your pet on a trip before checking that you mode of transport, type of accommodation and other bookings are safe and conducive for pets. Use websites like dog-friendly.com to identify places that are good for your pet.
Exotic pet owners are a step behind cat and dog owners. These are the only pets allowed on the few airlines that have incorporated pet travel. Some species of cats and dogs usually mixed are not allowed on airplanes.
Avoid taking your pet on trips where you will busy with work or other activities that will not engage your pet.
Health condition of your pet
Visit your veterinary officer to make sure your pet is ready for travel. The vet will check the pet’s general health conditions and get them caught up on any necessary vaccinations.
Get up to date copies of your pet’s health condition in preparation for travel.
Mode of Transport
On a road trip, you can bring any animal friend you wish provided they are comfortable. When taking your pet on the road, consider the following:
- Do not feed your pet within three hours of beginning the trip to avoid motion sickness.
- Buy the appropriate carrier for your pet to keep them safe in the car. This ensures you pet does not interfere with your driving or vice versa. You can also buy special safety straps meant for use as safety belts within the carrier.
- Line the carrier with bedding to make your pet more comfortable when traveling. Carry extra linen in case your pet soils the first set.
- Put a distracting toy or treat in the carrier to distract your pet during the drive.
- Carry some food and water for your pet to avoid feeding them leftovers that may upset their stomachs or make them restless.
- Carry a leash to walk your pet in public areas.
- Stop frequently and let your pet out of the carrier for small walks if applicable. Feed your pet during these breaks.
- Consider tranquilizing or sedating your pet for the journey if they do not travel well. Speak to your veterinarian about the type, dosage and relevant instructions for sedative used.
- Ensure any overnight stops you intend to make are at pet friendly hotels.
- Do not leave your pet in the car because of the risk of suffocation.
Most major airlines now accommodate pet owners, but as usual with airports; be prepared for a long compliance list. Here are things you need to know when traveling with your pet on a plane:
- Take your pet for a long walk before the flight if possible and applicable.
- Do not sedate or tranquilize your pet, veterinarians do not recommend it for air travel.
- Feed your pet at least three hours before the flight.
- Have an appropriate carrier for your pet. Airlines check that big dogs have room to at least stand and turn in their carriers. Make the carrier comfortable by lining it with bedding and adding treats or toys inside.
- Attach your identification and contact details on the pet carrier and the pet itself.
- You are not allowed to leave the carrier unattended at the airport at any time.
- Always call the airline to confirm if and on which flight they can accommodate your pet. At times airlines restrict pet travel if they already have too many pets on board, or the conditions like temperature are not conducive. Call ahead to avoid frustration.
- Pets larger than small dogs cannot be accommodated in the cabin area. Big pets are required to be checked in as cargo.
- Organize appropriate transport the airport to your destination since some cabs do not allow pets. Request a van if your pet is in a carrier that is too big for a regular cab.

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